
Charisma break tag rename

Posted under Tags

I wanted to start tagging the ubiquitous pose of remilia scarlet crouching while holding her hat (as seen in post #5527021, post #259982, or as early as post #145) as "charisma break", which is the name given to the pose by fans.

From the wiki:

The best known meme associated with Remilia is "Charisma Break", or her noble composure breaking revealing her childish side.

However, in the early days of Danbooru, the name was instead used on a pool (which was probably named after that).
In forum #203399, the pool got turned into the tag charisma break.

Should I name the new tag charisma break (touhou), or something else?
If I were to name it as above, should charisma break have a qualifier too?

nonamethanks said:

I don't see any evidence that the pose is called "charisma break" other than some obscure touhou fandom wikia saying so.

The provided quote is from the largest Touhou Wiki, I wouldn't call that obscure, but it doesn't even say the pose is called that, just that it's a possible inspiration for the meme as a whole. Unless you're referring to another wiki, but even the fandom wiki only mentions the pose in passing relation to the Charisma Break meme.

blindVigil said:

The provided quote is from the largest Touhou Wiki, I wouldn't call that obscure, but it doesn't even say the pose is called that, just that it's a possible inspiration for the meme as a whole. Unless you're referring to another wiki, but even the fandom wiki only mentions the pose in passing relation to the Charisma Break meme.

Yes, the fandom is what I was referring to. Google isn't returning the Touhou Wiki when I search for "charisma break" + remilia, and I didn't see the link in the OP.
The pixiv tag is カリスマガード (Charisma Guard), is there any evidence that "charisma break" is a real thing outside of the wikis? Most results on google seem to be of the normal kind of charisma break.

There are a few results in the image section of know your meme, this video with a few thousand views, this reddit post, this cosplay pic on DeviantArt ...
About half of the results for "charisma break" on google images bring Remilia crouching.
The following is more "dude, trust me" territory, but during my time in the #hisouten community (which I believe is still the largest touhou fighter community, so I wouldn't consider it insular), I've always seen it called Charisma Break. I've also looked in the logs and while Charisma Break shows up multiple times from different users, only one called it "charisma guard".

I think it's one of the usual japanese memes known under different names in the west.

tl;dr: I'm not sure what your standards for "used" are, but the term is in no way not used.


I don't want to sound like a bore, but I have more, in pixiv there is this tag"カリスマブレイク" I'm not an expert in japanese but I'm pretty sure it says "charisma break".
also, several images are associated with that crouched remilia pose, once again, re-consider it.


evazion said:

I agree that Remilia's charisma guard pose should have been called "charisma break", but the problem is that we already have a charisma break tag for something else, and having both charisma break and charisma break (touhou) is too confusing. We should find a better name for the charisma break tag.

Charisma break and charisma guard both exist as established terms outside of danbooru, and as far pixiv goes are used essentially the same way we use them. Many of the pixiv examples to prove people call the pose "charisma break" were cherry picked, and examples of the pose with that tag only make up a very small percentage of the charisma break tag.

All this thread proved was that some people use the terms interchangeably, not helped by the fact that the pose is often an example of the concept. I really don't see why anything needs to be renamed here. I still don't understand why that quote from the wiki was presented, either, as no where on that page does it say the pose is called charisma break by fans.

I'm not sure what you mean by "cherry picked". I personally made a research of both sides, and I exposed my results since people were doubting "charisma break" was a thing in the first place. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, however I'd appreciate some proof of the term being widely used in the english sphere.
I would prefer charisma break as the main tag, however if people are so against it I wouldn't mind leaving it like this either, an alias is better than nothing.

(On a side note, both names refer to the same thing - the crouching sprite is Remilia's guard animation, and in the game you can break guards.)

Username_Hidden said:

I'm not sure what you mean by "cherry picked". I personally made a research of both sides, and I exposed my results since people were doubting "charisma break" was a thing in the first place. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, however I'd appreciate some proof of the term being widely used in the english sphere.

I did specifically say pixiv examples. You didn't provide any pixiv examples. The examples from pixiv in particular don't paint any kind of picture that "charisma break" is more commonly used to refer to the crouch block, because the majority of the pixiv tag isn't even Touhou related, and there are far more examples of the crouch block in pixiv's "charisma guard" tag, which also includes characters besides Remilia doing the pose. Even when the charisma break tag was mostly used for Touhou, Remilia especially, it almost never featured the guard pose.

Your examples were much more compelling, but I'm still firmly against renaming charisma break more than anything else.

blindVigil said:

I did specifically say pixiv examples.

Ah, forgive me, I must have missed it.

Your examples were much more compelling, but I'm still firmly against renaming charisma break more than anything else.

I'm of the opinion that, since it's called like that in english, and since it is used in the japanese side (arguably less so than Charisma Guard, but still), it should be called charisma break.
The other option is a name which is more used in the japanese side, but is much more unknown in the west.

Given that Danbooru is an english website, and that overrall, if we add up japanese people and english people there are (probably) more people calling it charisma break than charisma guard, we should lean towards the first.

That said, we would then have to discuss how to rename a decade-old tag. I think this is good enough for now.