
prosthetic_hand implication

Posted under Tags

nonamethanks said:

There's an annoying overlap between single mechanical hand and prosthetic hand, and the rest of the mechanical/prosthetic tags. In theory one was for prosthesis and the other was for cyborgs/androids, but nobody seems to care about the distinction, which makes me doubt about the utility of keeping them mutually exclusive.

it’s unfortunate, but if they were to be merged the best option I see is aliasing every subset of prosthesis into their mechanical counterparts. prosthetics contain mechanical components so it wouldn’t be wrong, just less specific.

to maintain the distinction prosthesis provides it could be kept as a standalone tag, but it would suffer the same problem as bangs and gradient of “describing everything and nothing at once”. we would also have to pray that the same mistaggers don’t continue to use prosthesis as a catch-all for anything remotely mechanical, so it might be better to just deprecate.

edit: formatting
