BUR #20291 has been approved by @nonamethanks.
create alias picture_(object) -> drawing_(object)
create alias holding_picture -> holding_drawing
create alias cellphone_picture -> cellphone_photo
deprecate picture_(object)
deprecate holding_picture
From the previous topic almost a year ago:
These tags are a bit of a mess, so bear with me.
If you check their wikis, drawing and picture_(object) are actually just two tags for the same thing - a drawing visible in a post. As such, they should be merged into the same tag. However, the term "picture" refers to both drawings and photos, so we should avoid using it in the names of tags that are only for one of the two (case in point - picture_(object) is only for drawings, but over half of the holding_picture results were actually holding_photo before I cleaned them up). With this in mind, the tag for drawn drawings should be drawing.
...but, while drawing is meant to be for the object, it is ambiguous and oft mistagged as it can just as easily refer to the action, which amusingly enough already has a qualifier for this exact reason (drawing_(action)). And so, following the example set by photo_(object), the tag for drawn drawings should actually be drawing_(object).
I cleaned out the picture_(object) photo_(object) search, but there's likely still a decent amount of photo mistags in picture_(object). However, this BUR should still be approved now to prevent new mistags from adding to the pile. It'll also result in more here-and-there removals - someone looking at a post with only a photo in it and seeing picture_(object) in the tags won't bat an eye, but if they see drawing_(object) they may be motivated to remove it.
As a side note, I was going to do something about group_picture as well but it has no wiki and it looks to be more related to composition than the objects visible in a post, so it should be discussed separately.
Turns out I somehow gaslit myself; drawing_(action) doesn't exist and drawing is actually for both the drawings themselves and the act of drawing. While I still think we should have drawing_(action) and drawing_(object) rather than a tag for both at once, splitting drawing should be a seperate future project. I've updated the BUR so it doesn't touch the drawing tag.
No opposition was voiced in the original thread and the BUR went +11 / -0, yet it was completely ignored and ended up autorejected. There are now several hundred more posts in picture_(object) to sort through than there would have been if this BUR had been approved back then. Please approve this now so there aren't over a thousand new posts in another year's time.