
Alias "Sitting on car" -> "On vehicle"

Posted under Tags

GranAutismo said:

BUR #27892 has been rejected.

mass update sitting_on_car -> -sitting_on_car on_vehicle sitting
deprecate sitting_on_car

on_vehicle is also for lying or standing on vehicle, aliasing sitting_on_car to it won't do.

Actually, the question amounts to this:
Should we choose sitting_on_car or sitting on_vehicle to retrieve a person sitting on a car.
however, if we choose the latter, this may result in those who do not have a Gold account not being able to retrieve it as conveniently as they could before (it will takes up two tag slots)

A fair point. On vehicle is overly broad covering various postures on a vehicle and various kinds of vehicles, thus to narrow it down to a specific type of vehicle and a specific posture means the usage of 3 tag searches.

The on vehicle tag is a double variable tag requiring two additional tags for any specifics, which really means the tag is too broad in concept and either needs to be split up or it needs subtags to support it. Of note, the vehicle tag doesn't exist because it's too broad to be useful.


reg_panda said:

I don't understand, why my BUR got so many downs, when it is the same as the original BUR with a lot of ups, minus the mass mistagging?

Making a BUR with both implications and an alias from the same tag is problematic, I dont think it would work at all. Further more some of the images are dubious as to whether they should be tagged with car.

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