
Tags for "Leaning against each other"

Posted under General

Does a tag already exist for this? I've been phrasing it a few different ways but haven't found the tag for images like these http://www.zerochan.net/1450777 http://www.zerochan.net/1414946 post #654460
If a tag doesn't exist, can I make one? "Leaning against each other" and "Leaning on shoulder" are what's used on Zerochan.

(Sorry if this seems unnecessary, I'm trying to find the original of a traced image [http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/061/9/d/prince_gumball_and_princess_bubblegum_by_invader_celes-d5wodz6.jpg] and danbooru's database seems more extensive than zerochan's)


Thank you! I'll go tag stuff now I guess :D
That said, I'm not closer to finding that picture :/ I wish there was a place to ask knowledgeable people for help just to see if they knew of a character with short hair, high collared vest, small breasts and detached sleeves but it doesn't seem like that's happening.

Anyway, thank you for the tag help. Also, thank you for being polite! It's in short supplies these days :)

Jizzanthepuss said:

That said, I'm not closer to finding that picture :/ I wish there was a place to ask knowledgeable people for help just to see if they knew of a character with short hair, high collared vest, small breasts and detached sleeves but it doesn't seem like that's happening.

Are you looking for the names of the characters in that image? They appear to be prince_gumball and princess_bubblegum from adventure_time, based on the title and description of the image. Or maybe personifications of them.

Ah, it's traced y'see (the clothing and hair are too inaccurate + her artstyle is constantly changing). The girl who did it has traced a lot of things in her gallery and I'm hoping to find the original for that one particularly because she's been entering her art in contests (with cash prizes). I can't call her out without proof otherwise I'll look like an ass. The only one I've got so far is this http://www.zerochan.net/61617#full = http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/270/6/f/kotomi_by_invader_celes-d5g3662.jpg

Anyway, I don't expect help but I must say it's hard! Usually I'm pretty good at searching tags to find originals but hey, win some, lose most.

Thanks again for listening and helping :)