narukami_yuu is not working properly as a chartag. It is displayed in green in the characters section in tag columns, but in searches like chartags:1 it pops up in posts with one character beside him. I anted to try to change it in the listing to gentag and back but the access had been removed for me - I guess because of some fawkers constantly changing artist_request into an arttag -_-
narukami_yuu is not working properly as a chartag. It is displayed in green in the characters section in tag columns, but in searches like chartags:1 it pops up in posts with one character beside him.
If it shows up as green in the tag search, it is a character tag.
If there are other characters in gentags:1 searches, something else is up. Do you have some example posts which you think are wrong?
Sure. Posts like post #446121 . There are two chartags, but it appears on chartags:1 query. Try it yourself. If you enter chartags:1 narukami_yuu you'll get posts with two characters.
Sure. Posts like post #446121 . There are two chartags, but it appears on chartags:1 query. Try it yourself. If you enter chartags:1 narukami_yuu you'll get posts with two characters.
Currently, that post is properly showing up under chartags:2 instead of chartags:1.
It's possible that someone fixed the tag, or that it fixed itself after its type was changed.
This has happened before but was supposed to be fixed. Post if you find any more tags like this.