So in this time loop, Kyouko is dead, Sayaka became a witch, Madoka thinks Homura is a tinfoil hat, trigger-happy criminal and Mami is once again FOREVER ALONE...
Homura can't teleport like that. As shown when Kyouko stopped her from killing Sayaka.
Protect the bystanders!Stay back!*Flash*I'll redo it again, no matter how many times it takes!*Flash*The end.No matter how many times it takes!!No... Something is wrong here! I want to do things over!!Ah?! She escaped!Right now, at Mami's house...She's behind you, officer! Catch her quickly!!*Munch*Close off the roads!As expected of Madoka... She's strong when the going gets tough. I guess she's saved with this... mmm?Secure the suspect!The sushi from the supermarket tastes quite good.*Flash**Munch*