Translated, except for Patchy's interrupted line. "話合えって" gave me some trouble until I realized it must be "hanashiae + tte" rather than the bizarre "hanashi + aette".
Should it be added to "You're the Last Person I Want to Hear That From" pool for Flan's comment?
Wha--! My Lady...!Let's go, Sakuya!, Patchouli-sama...So why did things end up like this...This is all because you two were chasing after Sakuya (in a sexual way)!You shouldn't bully people.Gyaa!If you just keep running away, you'll die!Fight!...why is this happening?Meiling! Me too! Me too!I wanna fight, too!Yes, I'm sorry.Sakuya!That's enough of this! Are you taking this seriously?!...Under...stood!All I did was tell her to talk about it.Your tits are soft!First of all, let's stop Remi...Grr...Mukyuaa!Okay, okay, then let's call that black-white witch over later.I just said that Sakuya has some problems right now, and that she might be trying to quit.That's what I want to know.
Ah, my precious books...Illusion Sign "Killer Doll"Hidden room behind a bookcase.