ShadowOfIce said: Being that she's a fire user, I'm surprised that she'd be waving a fan like she's hot. =P
Well you can have too much of a good thing, Humans are made up of alot of water, but even our bodies can only hold so much in. Also, unlike Cirno, Mokou isnt actually the embodiement of Fire.
In Cirno's case though, Ice fairy, She's probably made out of Ice itself, as a representation of nature. So i'd expect Cirno to never get cold. But Mokou started off as Human, not as a Fire child.
This comes rather late, but thanks for the translations.
*wave*Well, pardon me.Well,Darn, it's is summer, you know.I came here to the Kourindou because I heard Cirno has been hanging around here lately...But all I found was a sultry-looking shopkeeper...*wave*