Rarity: *3 Memoria Type: Passive Ability: N/A Max Limit Break Ability: Guaranteed Anti-Dazzle & Blast Damage UP [IV] Description (JP): 今日も行く。彼女はひとりで消えてゆく… 希望に満ちた24時間を、ともに享受してゆくはずだったのに 言い知れぬ不安を抱えながら、ふたりはそれを抑え込んだ 「信じて待ちましょう。あの子の決断を」 Description (ENG): We were supposed to go out today, but she ran off on her own. We were supposed to enjoy 24 hours full of hope together, but with indescribable anxiety, these two suppressed it. "Believe and wait. Make that child's decision."